#098: Shroooms

#098: Shroooms

Prowler’s Amiga compo picture. Shrooms. Prowler snatched the first place with this nice pixel painting at Big Floppy Peoply 2007. All pixels set at the party! Download: UP-SHRMS.LHA Prowler at work! Photo by Plus8.
#086: All our C64 Entries From BFP 2006

#086: All our C64 Entries From BFP 2006

I Paint da World by Spot, released at Big Floppy People 2006. Description: This pack includes work by Dino, Spot, Yoki, Goto80 and Qwan. The shit we put out at Big Floppy People 2006. Download: (D64 Image) UP-BFP64.LHA Download: (MP3) Dino_-_Praestens_Dotter.mp3...
#082: Pigeons

#082: Pigeons

Description: An entry from the photo competition at Breakpoint 2006 by Prowler. Download: UP-PIGNS.zip
#081: Forest Dragon

#081: Forest Dragon

Description: A pixel entry for the Breakpoint 2006 freestyle graphics compo by Prowler. Download: (Original Archive) UP-FDRAG.ZIP
#006: Kevin

#006: Kevin

Description: Plus8’s fresh piece for the 3d compo (scored 2nd) at Compusphere X. Keving also hangs out on MySpace. Download the original archive. UP-KEVIN.LHA